How to mount Android external storage over WiFi instead of USB

Meet curlftpfs (package curlftpfs) - “mount a ftp host as a local directory”. First set up your Android device as an ftp server, e.g. using one of the apps explained in the question you linked, then on the host do:

curlftpfs server:port/directory /mountpoint

To unmount use:

fusermount -u /mountpoint

An example /etc/fstab line looks like this:

curlftpfs#server:port/directory /mountpoint fuse auto,user,uid=1000,allow_other,_netdev 0 0

Unfortunately since 2015 there’s a bug in libcurl3-gnutls which makes curlftpfs very slow on file operations, see these resources:

  • SO question: FTP with curlftpfs is extremely slow to the point it is impossible to work with
  • launchpad bug report
  • post on downgrading as an error-prone workaround

Sources/Further reading