Equivalent of airodump-ng for Max OS X

You can install it using brew

brew install aircrack-ng

Or using port

sudo port install aircrack-ng

After much frustration with this same problem I found a way to actually use Airodump on my Mac terminal. What I realized is that all of the files that I can successfully execute are located in the directory path


And it turns out that Airodump was actually on my computer, it was just stored in the path


And I was unable to execute it from that path. All I did was move Airodump from the /usr/local/sbin path to the /usr/local/bin path and it now works great! I was going crazy for hours and it was that simple

You can easily install using homebrew

Do brew install aircrack-ng

Then do

airodump-ng-oui-update to install or update airodump-ng

It is possible to use Wireshark with monitor mode enabled to essentially do the job of airodump-ng. This will allow for capture of raw 802.11 frames which will show the traffic from APs and clients. It needs to be remembered that the WiFi device can only listen on one channel at a time so you'll only see the traffic on the channel it's set to. You can choose the channel by associating a desired network before the capture or using the using the airport (/System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/Apple80211.framework/Resources/airport) command (e.g. to sniff channel 1 given your WiFi adapter is called en1) :

airport en1 sniff 1

Note that command this will also capture packets to file so one can just use airport to capture and then open the file in Wireshark or just quit the airport command after you have started monitor mode capture and let Wireshark collect them so you can see them in realtime. One can actually change the capture channel whilst Wireshark is running but you may miss packets whilst the channel change occurs.