How to access variables defined and declared in one function in another function?

The C++ way is to pass abc by reference to your function:

void function1()
    std::string abc;
void function2(std::string &passed)
    passed = "new string";

You may also pass your string as a pointer and dereference it in function2. This is more the C-style way of doing things and is not as safe (e.g. a NULL pointer could be passed in, and without good error checking it will cause undefined behavior or crashes.

void function1()
    std::string abc;
void function2(std::string *passed)
    *passed = "new string";

Make it global then both can manipulate it.

string abc;

void function1(){
    abc = "blah";

void function2(){
    abc = "hello";

If you have a variable in function1 that you want to use in function2, then you must either:

  1. pass it directly,
  2. have a higher scope function that calls both declare the variable and pass it, or
  3. declare it a global and then all functions can access it

If your function2 is called from function1, then you can just pass it as an argument to function2.

void function1()  
    std::string abc;  
    function2( abc );  

void function2( std::string &passed )   
    // function1::abc is now aliased as passed and available for general usage.
   cout << passed << " is from function1.";   

If function1 doesn't call function2, but both are called by function3, then have function3 declare the variable and pass it to both function1 and function2 as an argument.

void parentFunction( )
    std::string abc;  
    function1( abc );  
    function2( abc );  
void function1( std::string &passed )   
   // Parent function's variable abc is now aliased as passed and available for general usage.
   cout << passed << " is from parent function.";   
void function2( std::string &passed )   
    // Parent function's variable abc is now aliased as passed and available for general usage.
   cout << passed << " is from parent function.";   

Finally, if neither function1 nor function2 is called from each other, nor from the same function in code, then declare the variable to be shared as a global, and function1 and function2 will be able to directly use it.

std::string global_abc;  
void function1( )   
   cout << global_abc << " is available everywhere.";   
void function2( )   
   cout << global_abc << " is available everywhere.";   

There is absolutely no way. Variables of the block can be directly accessed ONLY from that block.

Pointers/references to the object can be passed into functions that are called from this block as parameters.