Strip double quotes from a string in .NET

I'm trying to match on some inconsistently formatted HTML and need to strip out some double quotes.


<input type="hidden">

The Goal:

<input type=hidden>

This is wrong because I'm not escaping it properly:

s = s.Replace(""","");

This is wrong because there is not blank character character (to my knowledge):

s = s.Replace('"', '');

What is syntax / escape character combination for replacing double quotes with an empty string?

I think your first line would actually work but I think you need four quotation marks for a string containing a single one (in VB at least):

s = s.Replace("""", "")

for C# you'd have to escape the quotation mark using a backslash:

s = s.Replace("\"", "");

I didn't see my thoughts repeated already, so I will suggest that you look at string.Trim in the Microsoft documentation for C# you can add a character to be trimmed instead of simply trimming empty spaces:

string withQuotes = "\"hellow\"";
string withOutQotes = withQuotes.Trim('"');

should result in withOutQuotes being "hello" instead of ""hello""

s = s.Replace("\"", "");

You need to use the \ to escape the double quote character in a string.

You can use either of these:

s = s.Replace(@"""","");
s = s.Replace("\"","");

...but I do get curious as to why you would want to do that? I thought it was good practice to keep attribute values quoted?

s = s.Replace("\"",string.Empty);