Failed to load JavaHL Library
Solution 1:
Try this:
- Select Window >> Preferences
- Expand Team >> SVN
- Under SVN interface set Client to SVNKit (Pure Java) SVNKit....
Solution 2:
If you do not need to use JavaHL, Subclipse also provides a pure-Java SVN API library -- SVNKit ( Just install the SVNKit client adapter and library plugins from the Subclipse update site and then choose it in the preferences under Team > SVN.
Solution 3:
On Kubuntu, my path to the library changed because of installing another Java version. Here's the whole picture, but in short:
sudo apt-get install libsvn-java
sudo find / -name
The output from the last command could look like this, for example:
This gives you the path, so you can add the following to your eclipse.ini
Solution 4:
Check out this blog. It has a ton of information. Also if installing through brew don´t miss this note:
You may need to link the Java bindings into the Java Extensions folder:
$ sudo mkdir -p /Library/Java/Extensions
$ sudo ln -s /usr/local/lib/libsvnjavahl-1.dylib /Library/Java/Extensions/libsvnjavahl-1.dylib