How does village border growth work in Reus?

Solution 1:

The first I did experiment was digging an ocean, planting a forest, putting down a fruit tree and then waiting. After the settlement, I marked the borders by putting down a Reus and then regularly checking to see if they'd expanded. They did, with an interval somewhere between 3 and 4 minutes, with no apparent bias to left versus right. This was on a 30-minute world.

Anecdotal evidence, because I still have to try the following varying factors:

  • Longer world. I feel the rate should slow down for 120-minute worlds, but I haven't tried that yet.
  • Neighbouring biomes: does it take longer to go into the ocean, say?
  • Local availabilty of prosperity: does a village with two food grow faster or slower than a village with 80 excess food? That could be tested with some extra elder/strawberry combos.
  • Total availabilty of prosperity: does it make a difference if a village half the world over has way too many resources?

Solution 2:

A village has so-called 'reach points', these get increased every 5 seconds by 0.025 points (so a full point every 200 seconds). Also every 5 seconds, a village checks to see whether it can expand its borders. Each new tile has a buy cost, and if a village has enough reach points, it gets the tile (with a slight preference for expanding to the left - but I'm sure which that direction that actually is!). If it can't afford either tile, it just keeps accumulating reach points, so that when a bottled up village has one of it's neighbours destroyed, it can expand quickly.
