How to fix iBooks "Two pages" mode

I have a number of books in iBooks on my MacBook. All of them were showing nicely in "Two Pages" mode, until I clicked the "Show Notes" button, on two of them. Those books changed to "Single Page" mode and the "Two Pages" option under "View" is now disabled, even after disabling "Show Notes Panel" under "View".

I've already tried deleting everything under the /Users/jonasmatser/Library/Containers/ directory and adding the books back to the emptied iBooks application, but that didn't help.

Any suggestions what other preferences or files I could try to delete or other things I could do to get those books back in "Two Pages" mode?

Solution 1:

I've experienced this problem before, and I managed to get back two-page functionality by switching iBooks to full screen mode. You also might be able to get it back by adjusting the iBooks window size -- the bug appears to be triggered when iBooks assumes there isn't enough space in the window to display both pages.