Backup software like Time Machine and CrashPlan combined?

Is there a good backup software that combines Time Machine snapshot functionality on local level with CrashPlan remote backups as well? I am currently using both, but find both unsatisfactory.

My main problem with Time Machine is that it consumes a lot of resources and not playing nice. I have a pretty new beefy MacBook and I just know when TM starts running. Everything gets slow and it heats up. Check the processes, and sure enough backupd is at the top.

With CrashPlan I have less of a problem. It is generally very nice piece of software. But recently it is getting stuck for some reason and only know when I get notification by email that there were no backups for 2-3 days. Also it is quite bulky, and also UI is very ugly and not Mac-like.

Any recommendations?


I am a big fan of Arq (, which works just like TimeMachine but with remote backups on Amazon S3/Glacier.