How much faster is memory (RAM) compared to SSD for random access? [closed]


Flash Memory is considerably slower than DRAM, and the way they are used by operating systems is very different.

A typical DRAM has a transfer rate of approximately 2-20GB/s, whereas typical SSDs have a transfer rate of 50MB-200MB/s. So it's one to two orders of magnitude slower.

Furthermore, the way it's used is very different. DRAM is far more flexible and is truly random access -- any word, any time. By comparison, flash writes have to erase an entire block at a time before writing to it; and there are other problems that need to be dealt with such as wear leveling and bad blocks.

Run memtest86, it displays numbers indicating memory read/write speed.

FWIW an Intel Atom 330 based mini-computer I currently have standing here says "1927MB/s" for the main RAM. L1 Cache is 3748MB/s, L2 Cache is 3095MB/s, there is no L3 Cache.

These speeds will vary with CPU and computer design.

A google on "SSD disk speed" will tell you numbers to compare with; expect anything from speeds similar to fast HDD's (100-150MB/s, slow SSD) and up.