How to connect 2 routers to one Modem via a Switch?

I know that most of you will think this question is a duplicate many times over, but I cannot seem to find help anywhere for my specific problem. I have a home neowork using a ClearAccess modem/router combo in bridge mode, with a tp-link router connected to a LAN port from the WAN port and acting as a router, all very usual.
Default gateway:

IPv4 addresses in the range

I set that all up when I got the router (the modem/router combo unit used to do everything). But then I found out that a computer can act as a router and I want to try this out. The modem/router combo has a 4 port switch in the back. Is it possible for me to connect another router (in this case an old pc) to the modem/router? I do not want the networks to see each other or interfere with each other.

I basically want 2 routers acting COMPLETELY independent of each other with no conflicts. Will simply changing the IP addresses and default gateways be enough?

current setup: modem/router in bridge mode (LAN 1)---->(WAN) Router

Planned setup:
modem/router in bridge mode (LAN 1)---->(WAN) Router 1 on

modem/router in bridge mode (LAN 2)---->(WAN) Router 2 on

Should not be a problem. You are actually making two separate home networks that will use the wan router for accessing internet. So each router will see the wan router (which has several ports). The routers have two interfaces each. The one facing wan router will be on wan router's internal subnet. So there will be a small subnet with three participants. Now the other sides of your internal routers may well have the addresses you mentioned and they will be separate, each of their subnets behind its own router. That is it really.

WANr ------into 2 LAN routers --- they each provide access for their LANs