SQLITE - INSERT or UPDATE without changing ROWID value

I tested Chris suggestion but the rowid still gets changed. I think the best alternative is to do a SELECT to see if a row with that key already exist. If so, UPDATE, otherwise, INSERT... good old fashion but guaranteed to work.

Combine it with select, like this

INSERT or REPLACE INTO test (ROWID, table_id, some_field)
VALUES ((SELECT ROWID from test WHERE table_id = 'foo' UNION SELECT max(ROWID) + 1 from test limit 1), 'foo','bar')

You need to specify that your table_id is unique in addition to being the primary key:

sqlite> CREATE TABLE test (
    table_id TEXT NOT NULL,
    some_field TEXT NOT NULL,
    PRIMARY KEY(table_id),

sqlite> insert or replace into test values("xyz", "other");
sqlite> select * FROM test;
sqlite> insert or replace into test values("abc", "something");
sqlite> insert or replace into test values("xyz", "whatever");
sqlite> select * FROM test;