How to get a float result by dividing two integer values using T-SQL?

Using T-SQL and Microsoft SQL Server I would like to specify the number of decimal digits when I do a division between 2 integer numbers like:

select 1/3

That currently returns 0. I would like it to return 0,33.

Something like:

select round(1/3, -2)

But that doesn't work. How can I achieve the desired result?

The suggestions from stb and xiowl are fine if you're looking for a constant. If you need to use existing fields or parameters which are integers, you can cast them to be floats first:

SELECT CAST(1 AS float) / CAST(3 AS float)


SELECT CAST(MyIntField1 AS float) / CAST(MyIntField2 AS float)

Because SQL Server performs integer division. Try this:

select 1 * 1.0 / 3

This is helpful when you pass integers as params.

select x * 1.0 / y

It's not necessary to cast both of them. Result datatype for a division is always the one with the higher data type precedence. Thus the solution must be:

SELECT CAST(1 AS float) / 3


SELECT 1 / CAST(3 AS float)