Windows 10: Disable Desktop Peek on hover over taskbar thumbnail

I believe I remember seeing that under the Performance Options.

Go to System --> Advanced System Settings --> Advanced tab --> Settings --> Visual Effects --> and uncheck Enable Peek

Disable Peek

I had the same problem with a projected secondary display. The following procedure prevents the secondary display disappearing when hovering over the Show desktop button.

1) Right-click on the taskbar, select "Taskbar Settings".

2) In the Taskbar section the 5th switch down is labelled "Use Peek to preview the desktop when you move your mouse to the Show desktop button at the end of the taskbar." Switch this off.

3) In the Multiple Displays section, the first switch is labelled "Show taskbar on all displays". Switch this off.

Desktop peek now requires a click on the button, so is still available but not nearly so prone to accidental activation. Additionally, the secondary display is undisturbed even if the Desktop peek is activated/de-activated by a click.

Edit: Updated for Win 10 from

Edit2: Further expanded to prevent taskbar showing on secondary display.