What's the most elegant way to say "surmountable objection"?

Possibly superficial (“Shallow, lacking substance”) would work well to modify objections in that context. Depending on the larger context and the desired slant, some of the following terms might also work:
minor, “Of little significance or importance”
insignificant, “Not significant; not important, consequential, or having a noticeable effect”
trivial, “Of little significance or value”
insubstantial, “Lacking substance; not real or strong”
nominal, in its sense “Insignificantly small; trifling”
secondary, “Of less than primary importance”
pro forma, “For the sake of form only”
perfunctory, “Done merely to discharge a duty; performed mechanically and as a thing of rote; done in a careless and superficial manner; characterized by indifference; as, perfunctory admonitions...”

For replacing both words (objections and its adjective) consider nouns
cavil, “A petty or trivial objection or criticism”
nit, a trivial detail (as in nitpicking, “A process of finding or pointing out tiny details or errors, particularly if the pointed-out details seem insignificant or irrelevant to all but the finder”)
minutia, “A minor detail, often of negligible importance”