How can I view log files in Linux and apply custom filers while viewing?

  1. Reading through large log files is not a good idea
    • you need to first filter them to the necessary lines and then look at them
    • even then, if possible (and if the filtered lines are a lot too),
      you should run secondary filters and counting scripts to analyze them
  2. When you have a large static file and know the filters to eliminate lines from it,
    it is always a good idea to store the filtered output (rather than trying to look at it immediately).
    • This way you can run secondary filters on the filtered output and they will not need to run on the entire thing again
    • so, in your example, store the first output to a new file, and when you know another filter apply it on that stored file
    • of course, this implies some storage space for the filtered file.
      It works better if your filters will reduce the actual file by a large amount
  3. Regular linux tool like 'grep', 'sed', 'AWK' usually suffice to process text log file very nicely.
    I have processed log files in the order of 10GB frequently with these things.
    You can make your own tools with these things in 'bash scripts'.
  4. Don't underestimate 'vim', it can handle large files too (but will take time, so give it filtered files)