How do I control PDF paper size with ImageMagick?
Solution 1:
This question is pretty old, but I had a similar problem and I think I found the solution.
The documentation for the -page option says "This option is used in concert with -density", but the relationship between the options seems a little unclear, possibly because the documentation is geared towards raster images.
From experimenting with the settings, I found that the pdf page size can be controlled by combining -page -density and -units. The documentation for -page shows that letter is the same as entering 612 x 792. Combining -density 72 with -units pixelsperinch will give you (612px /72px) * 1in = 8.5in.
convert *.jpg -units pixelsperinch -density 72 -page letter foo.pdf
should do what the original poster wanted.
Solution 2:
I just succeeded with
convert file.mng -page letter file.pdf