Link latest file on Bitbucket Git repository

I have a public Git repository on Bitbucket. I want to link the latest version of a Read-Me file. Here's the link to a revision/commit:

I tried to replace the revision number with tip and default, but it didn't work. Is there any way to get a permanent link to my latest files?

Solution 1:

Two ideas:

Use master in the url (this seems to work):

Another idea is to create a wiki page for your project, then use the wiki's functionality to link to the latest version of a file with this syntax:

<<file path/to/file [revision] [linenumber]>>

Just omit the revision and line number parameters, they are optional.

Then, refer to the wiki page everywhere else you'd like link to the read me file.

Solution 2:

There is an easy workaround for this issue by updating your relative links to src/[branch_name]/path/to/file. Works like a charm for me.

Solution 3:

The canonical way to add a link to a file in your repository using Markdown (the default for Readme files and Wiki pages) is by linking to the relative path of the file.

For example, if I had a structure like so:

<repo root>
|-- my-file.txt
|-- my-dir 
|    |-- my-other-file

I'd be able to link to them as follows:


Bitbucket will then automatically link to the file at the current branch that you are viewing the file at. If you're viewing the Readme file in the overview that will mean the default branch (usually 'master').

Solution 4:

I am using master like this for the last zip file of the code :

Where MIUSER is my user and MIREPO is the name of my app.

Hope that this works :D.

Solution 5:

Here are working links:

