Update SQL with consecutive numbering
I want to update a table with consecutive numbering starting with 1. The update has a where clause so only results that meet the clause will be renumbered. Can I accomplish this efficiently without using a temp table?
Solution 1:
This probably depends on your database, but here is a solution for MySQL 5 that involves using a variable:
SET @a:=0;
UPDATE table SET field=@a:=@a+1 WHERE whatever='whatever' ORDER BY field2,field3
You should probably edit your question and indicate which database you're using however.
Edit: I found a solution utilizing T-SQL for SQL Server. It's very similar to the MySQL method:
DECLARE @myVar int
SET @myVar = 0
@myvar = myField = @myVar + 1
Solution 2:
For Microsoft SQL Server 2005/2008. ROW_NUMBER() function was added in 2005.
; with T as (select ROW_NUMBER() over (order by ColumnToOrderBy) as RN
, ColumnToHoldConsecutiveNumber from TableToUpdate
where ...)
update T
set ColumnToHoldConsecutiveNumber = RN
EDIT: For SQL Server 2000:
declare @RN int
set @RN = 0
Update T
set ColumnToHoldConsecutiveNubmer = @RN
, @RN = @RN + 1
where ...
NOTE: When I tested the increment of @RN appeared to happen prior to setting the the column to @RN, so the above gives numbers starting at 1.
EDIT: I just noticed that is appears you want to create multiple sequential numbers within the table. Depending on the requirements, you may be able to do this in a single pass with SQL Server 2005/2008, by adding partition by
to the over
; with T as (select ROW_NUMBER()
over (partition by Client, City order by ColumnToOrderBy) as RN
, ColumnToHoldConsecutiveNumber from TableToUpdate)
update T
set ColumnToHoldConsecutiveNumber = RN
Solution 3:
If you want to create a new PrimaryKey column, use just this: