Ternary ? operator vs the conventional If-else operator in c# [duplicate]

Solution 1:

I ran 100 million Ternary Operators and 100 million If-Else statements and recorded the performance of each. Here is the code:

Stopwatch s = new Stopwatch();
// System.Diagnostics Stopwatch
int test = 0;
for(int a = 0; a < 100000000; a++)
    test = a % 50 == 0 ? 1 : 2;

for(int b = 0; b < 100000000; b++)
    if(b % 50 == 0)
        test = 1;
        test = 2; 

Here is the results (ran on an Intel Atom 1.66ghz with 1gb ram and I know, it sucks):

  • Ternary Operator: 5986 milliseconds or 0.00000005986 seconds per each operator.

  • If-Else: 5667 milliseconds or 0.00000005667 seconds per each statement.

Don't forget that I ran 100 million of them, and I don't think 0.00000000319 seconds difference between the two matters that much.

Solution 2:


Use what makes your code readable. If if statements do that, use them. If ternary operators do that, use them.

It is likely that both will compile down to the same IL anyway.

In any event the things that will slow down your application will likely be the database or the network or the hard drive ... anything except whether you used if statements or ternary expressions.

Solution 3:

There's no reason to expect any difference in performance.

In my opinion, the ternary operator should only be used if all three operands are very concise and easy to read. Otherwise I think it has the potential to make code harder to read.

I think a lot of people mis-use this operator by jamming too much logic into one long line of code. I personally won't use it unless the whole line is less than about 80 characters.


return isFunky ? funkyValue : null;


return (thisThing == thatThing && (anotherThing != null || ! IsThisTrue())) ? someThing.GetThis().GetThat() : yetAnotherThing.GetBlah().GetFoo();

I've seen people do a lot worse than the above. I think they should loose their ternary privileges!