EditText setError message does not clear after input

Ok so I only have a EditText field and a button, which when pressed triggers an AsyncTask.

EditText playerName = (EditText)findViewById(R.id.playerEditText);

if(playerName.getText().toString().length() == 0 )
    playerName.setError("Player name is required!");
else {
    // do async task

The problem is that the error message seems to stay up even after when I input valid text to search. Is there a way to remove the error as soon as the EditText is not empty?

Solution 1:

In your else bracket, put playerName.setError(null), which will clear the error.

Solution 2:

API documentation: "The icon and error message will be reset to null when any key events cause changes to the TextView's text." Though it is not so - and therefore we can regard this as bug.

If you use inputType such as textNoSuggestions, textEmailAddress, textPassword, the error is unset after a character is typed. Nearly as documented but again not exactly - when you delete a character, error stays. It seems, a simple workaround with addTextChangedListener and setError(null) can attain promised behavior.

Besides there are posts about icon losing on Android 4.2. So use with care.