Problems with booting the system

Solution 1:

It seems your update included a new kernel with it. Your old NVIDIA driver, as it seems, is not compatible with the new kernel and you need to remove the driver for now.

Since you can not access the terminal right now. You need to boot into recovery mode and drop to a root shell to do that.

Please follow the steps below:

  1. Reboot your machine and hold the Shift key as soon as you pass the BIOS logo to access the GRUB boot menu. You might need to repeat this a few times until you succeed and see the boot menu.

  2. Select advanced options and hit Enter.

  3. Select the second option with (recovery mode) in front of it and hit Enter.

  4. Wait until the machine boots and another menu appears. Choose the option with drop to root shell prompt in it and hit Enter.

  5. Press Enter when it says press Enter for maintenance.

  6. Once you are presented with a command prompt, write the following command and hit Enter (this will give you read and write access to your system):

mount -o rw,remount /
  1. You will need now to purge the NVIDIA drivers from your system. To do this please write the following command and hit Enter:
apt purge nvidia-*
  1. Now you need to let ubuntu-drivers tool install the suitable driver for your card, to do so pleas write the following command and hit Enter:
ubuntu-drivers autoinstall
  1. Reboot your system.

If all goes well and your system boots normally again, you can later search for a specific compatible NVIDIA proprietary driver and install it if you wish.