What is the best IDE for PHP? [closed]

I'm a PHP developer and now I use Notepad++ for code editing, but lately I've been searching for an IDE to ease my work.

I've looked into Eclipse, Aptana Studio and several others, but I'm not really decided, they all look nice enough but a bit complicated. I'm sure it'll all get easy once I get used to it, but I don't want to waste my time.

This is what I'm looking for:

  • FTP support
  • Code highlight
  • SVN support would be great
  • Ruby and JavaScript would be great

For PHP I would recommend PhpStorm.

It supports FTP/SFTP synchronization, integrates well with Subversion, CVS, Mercurial and even with Git. Also, it supports HTML, CSS, JavaScript and handles language-mixing well like SQL or HTML blocks inside PHP code, JSON, etc.

But if you need Ruby you can try another IDE - RubyMine with same capabilities but for Ruby.

NetBeans. Check out 7.0.1.

It supports FTP/SFTP synchronization, integrates well with Subversion, CVS, Mercurial and even with Git (with plugin). Also, it supports HTML, CSS, JavaScript, popular frameworks and more.

And its free.

Too bad no one mentioned phpDesigner. It's really the best IDE I've came across (and I believe I've tried them all).

The main pro of this one is that it's NOT Java based. This keeps the whole thing quick.


  • Intelligent Syntax Highlighter - automatic switch between PHP, HTML, CSS, and JavaScript depending on your position!
  • PHP (both version 4 and 5 are supported)
  • SQL (MySQL, MSSQL 2000, MSSQL 7, Ingres, Interbase 6, Oracle, Sybase)
  • CSS (both version 1 and 2.1 are supported)
  • JavaScript
  • VBScript
  • Java
  • C#
  • Perl
  • Python
  • Ruby
  • Smarty


  • Support for both PHP 4 and PHP 5
  • Code Explorer for PHP (includes, classes, extended classes, interfaces, properties, functions, constants and variables)
  • Code Completion (IntelliSense) for PHP - code assist as you type
  • Code Tip (code hint) for PHP - code assist as you type
  • Work with any PHP frameworks (access classes, functions, variables, etc. on the fly)
  • PHP object oriented programming (OOP) including nested objects
  • Support for PHP heredoc
  • Enclose strings with single- or double quotes, linefeed, carriage return or tabs
  • PHP server variables
  • PHP statement templates (if, else, then, while…)
  • Powerful PHP Code Beautifier with many configurations and profile support
  • phpDocumentor wizard
  • Add phpDocumentor documentation to functions and classes with one click!
  • phpDocumentor tags
  • Comment or uncomment with one click!
  • Jump to any declaration with filtering by classes, interfaces, functions, variables or constants

Debug (PHP):

  • Debug with Xdebug
  • Breakpoints
  • Step by step debugging
  • Step into
  • Step over
  • Run to cursor
  • Run until return
  • Call stack
  • Watches
  • Context variables
  • Evaluate
  • Profiling
  • Multiple sessions
  • Evaluation tip
  • Catch errors