Unable to remotely connect to JMX?

Solution 1:

Add -Djava.rmi.server.hostname = host ip. Even i faced the same problem and this did the trick.

Addition of this -Djava.rmi.server.hostname = host ip forces RMI service to use the host ip instead of

Solution 2:

These are the steps that worked for me (Debian behind firewall on the server side was reached over VPN from my local Mac):

  1. Check server public ip


  2. Use JVM params:

    -Dcom.sun.management.jmxremote.port=[jmx port]
    -Djava.rmi.server.hostname=[server ip from step 1]
  1. Run application

  2. Find process ID of the running java process

  3. Check all ports used by JMX/RMI

    netstat -lp | grep [pid from step 4]

  4. Open all ports from step 5 on the firewall


Solution 3:

In addition to listening to the port you specified (1100) the JMX server also listens to a randomly chosen (ephemeral) port. Check, e.g. with lsof -i|grep java if you are on linux/osx, which ports the java process listens to and make sure your firewall is open for the ephemeral port as well.

Solution 4:

I experienced the problem where it said 'Adding ' forever and didn't seem to be able to connect. I got passed the problem by changing the jvisualvm proxy settings (Tools->options->network). Once I changed the option to No Proxy, I was able to connect. My jvm was started with the following options:


Then when I added the jmx connection, I specified "external_IP_of_server:2222"

Solution 5:

I had a similar issue when using port forwarding. I have a remote machine with Tomcat listening for JMX interactions on localhost:9000.

From my local machine, I'm used to do port-forwarding with:

ssh -L 9001:localhost:9000 tomcat.example.com

(so remote port 9000 is forwarded to my local machine's port 9001).

Then when I tried to use VisualVM to connect to localhost:9001, the connection was refused. JMX seems to require port numbers on both sides to be identical.

So my solution was using port numbers 9000 and 9000:

    ssh -L 9000:localhost:9000 tomcat.example.com

Now my local machine's VisualVM connects successfully to the remote machine's Tomcat via localhost:9000.

Make sure that you don't have any other service (Tomcat on dev machine?) listening on the same port.

Also take a look at setting up parameters correctly.