How to enable user themes in Gsettings (Gnome-Tweaks)

first get the enabled-extensions with below command

gsettings get enabled-extensions


pratap@i7:~$ gsettings get enabled-extensions
['[email protected]']

then add your extension name to the output you got


gsettings set enabled-extensions "['[email protected]', '[email protected]']"

First, to install the "user themes" extension using the terminal, if you haven't already, you can run the following command:

sudo apt install gnome-shell-extensions

This will install the "user themes" extension along with a bunch of other extensions.

You don't have to use gsettings, unless you need to. You can enable the extensions you want using gnome-shell-extension-tool. Specifically, to enable "user themes", the command you need to run is

gnome-shell-extension-tool -e user-themes

Parameter -e tells gnome-shell-extension-tool to enable the extension.

You can also disable an extension using the -d parameter instead of -e.