How to convert string to byte array in Python

Solution 1:

encode function can help you here, encode returns an encoded version of the string

In [44]: str = "ABCD"

In [45]: [elem.encode("hex") for elem in str]
Out[45]: ['41', '42', '43', '44']

or you can use array module

In [49]: import array

In [50]: print array.array('B', "ABCD")
array('B', [65, 66, 67, 68])

Solution 2:

Just use a bytearray() which is a list of bytes.


s = "ABCD"
b = bytearray()


s = "ABCD"
b = bytearray()
b.extend(map(ord, s))

By the way, don't use str as a variable name since that is builtin.