How can I configure Juju for deployment on HP Cloud? [closed]

If you have juju-quickstart installed, you can do juju quickstart -i; this will give you a form to fill out for your cloud provider.

Here are the full instructions:

  • Setting up Juju with HP Cloud

Official docs:

  • HP Cloud for Juju documentation
  • Documentation
  • General OpenStack configuration: How can I configure Juju for deployment on OpenStack?

You will also need to set your access-key and secret-key information as an environment variable or in the environments.yaml file.

Adding to your environments.yaml file should make it look like this:

    juju-origin: ppa
    control-bucket: juju-hpc-az1-cb
    admin-secret: [any-unique-string-shared-among-admins-u-like]
    default-image-id: [8419]
    region: az-1.region-a.geo-1
    project-name: [[email protected]]
    default-instance-type: standard.small
    auth-mode: keypair
    type: openstack
    default-series: precise
    authorized-keys: [CONTENTS (not path) to your ~/.ssh/ key]
    access-key: [PUT YOUR ACCESS-KEY HERE] 
    secret-key: [PUT YOUR SECRET-KEY HERE]'

You can find the access-key and secret-key by logging into your HP cloud control panel and displaying your API keys.