Is relational comparison between int and float directly possible in C?

I am using Visual Studio 6 with some old time code written in c. I found an issue where the code looks like this..

int x = 3;
float y = 3.0;

if(x == y){
   do some crazy stuff

is this a valid comparison? is it possible at run time the allocation for the float is 3.0000001 and this would fail?

This is generally (i.e., always) a bad idea. As you suspected, the comparison from 3 to 3.0000001 will indeed fail.

What most people do, if an int-float comparison is really necessary, is pick some threshold of tolerance and go with that, like so:

int x = 3;
float y = 3.0;

// some code here

float difference = (float) x - y;
float tolerableDifference = 0.001;

if ((-tolerableDifference <= difference) && (difference <= tolerableDifference)) {
    // more code

I am going to buck the trend here a bit. As to the first question about whether the comparison is valid, the answer is yes. It is perfectly valid. If you want to know if a floating point value is exactly equal to 3, then the comparison to an integer is fine. The integer is implicitly converted to a floating point value for the comparison. In fact, the following code (at least with the compiler I used) produced identical assembly instructions.

if ( 3 == f )
    printf( "equal\n" );


if ( 3.0 == f )
    printf( "equal\n" );

So it depends on the logic and what the intended goal is. There is nothing inherently wrong with the syntax.

No one else has cited it yet, and I haven't linked to it in a while, so here is the classic paper on the scary edges of floating point representation and arithmetic: What Every Computer Scientist Should Know About Floating Point.

The paper is a challenging read for a non-mathematician, but the key points are well stated in between the heavy swaths of math backing them up.

For this discussion, the points made by the other answers here are all valid. Floating point arithmetic is inexact, and hence comparisons for exact equality are generally a bad idea. Hence, epsilon is your friend.

One exception to the exact comparison rule is a test for exactly zero. It is perfectly legal and often sensible to test for exactly zero before a division or logarithm since the answer is well defined for any non-zero value. Of course, in the presence of IEEE rules and NaN, you can let that slide and test for NaN or Inf later on.