Why is "throws Exception" necessary when calling a function?

class throwseg1
    void show() throws Exception
        throw new Exception("my.own.Exception");

    void show2() throws Exception  // Why throws is necessary here ?

    void show3() throws Exception  // Why throws is necessary here ?

    public static void main(String s[]) throws Exception  // Why throws is necessary here ?
        throwseg1 o1 = new throwseg1();

Why compiler reports that methods show2(), show3(), and main() have

unreported exception Exception that must be caught or declared to be thrown

when I remove throws Exception from these methods?

In Java, as you may know, exceptions can be categorized into two: One that needs the throws clause or must be handled if you don't specify one and another one that doesn't. Now, see the following figure:

enter image description here

In Java, you can throw anything that extends the Throwable class. However, you don't need to specify a throws clause for all classes. Specifically, classes that are either an Error or RuntimeException or any of the subclasses of these two. In your case Exception is not a subclass of an Error or RuntimeException. So, it is a checked exception and must be specified in the throws clause, if you don't handle that particular exception. That is why you needed the throws clause.

From Java Tutorial:

An exception is an event, which occurs during the execution of a program, that disrupts the normal flow of the program's instructions.

Now, as you know exceptions are classified into two: checked and unchecked. Why these classification?

Checked Exception: They are used to represent problems that can be recovered during the execution of the program. They usually are not the programmer's fault. For example, a file specified by user is not readable, or no network connection available, etc., In all these cases, our program doesn't need to exit, instead it can take actions like alerting the user, or go into a fallback mechanism(like offline working when network not available), etc.

Unchecked Exceptions: They again can be divided into two: Errors and RuntimeExceptions. One reason for them to be unchecked is that they are numerous in number, and required to handle all of them will clutter our program and reduce its clarity. The other reason is:

  • Runtime Exceptions: They usually happen due to a fault by the programmer. For example, if an ArithmeticException of division by zero occurs or an ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException occurs, it is because we are not careful enough in our coding. They happen usually because some errors in our program logic. So, they must be cleared before our program enters into production mode. They are unchecked in the sense that, our program must fail when it occurs, so that we programmers can resolve it at the time of development and testing itself.

  • Errors: Errors are situations from which usually the program cannot recover. For example, if a StackOverflowError occurs, our program cannot do much, such as increase the size of program's function calling stack. Or if an OutOfMemoryError occurs, we cannot do much to increase the amount of RAM available to our program. In such cases, it is better to exit the program. That is why they are made unchecked.

For detailed information see:

  • Unchecked Exceptions — The Controversy
  • The Catch or Specify Requirement

Java requires that you handle or declare all exceptions. If you are not handling an Exception using a try/catch block then it must be declared in the method's signature.

For example:

class throwseg1 {
    void show() throws Exception {
        throw new Exception();

Should be written as:

class throwseg1 {
    void show() {
        try {
            throw new Exception();
        } catch(Exception e) {
            // code to handle the exception

This way you can get rid of the "throws Exception" declaration in the method declaration.

The throws Exception declaration is an automated way of keeping track of methods that might throw an exception for anticipated but unavoidable reasons. The declaration is typically specific about the type or types of exceptions that may be thrown such as throws IOException or throws IOException, MyException.

We all have or will eventually write code that stops unexpectedly and reports an exception due to something we did not anticipate before running the program, like division by zero or index out of bounds. Since the errors were not expected by the method, they could not be "caught" and handled with a try catch clause. Any unsuspecting users of the method would also not know of this possibility and their programs would also stop.

When the programmer knows certain types of errors may occur but would like to handle these exceptions outside of the method, the method can "throw" one or more types of exceptions to the calling method instead of handling them. If the programmer did not declare that the method (might) throw an exception (or if Java did not have the ability to declare it), the compiler could not know and it would be up to the future user of the method to know about, catch and handle any exceptions the method might throw. Since programs can have many layers of methods written by many different programs, it becomes difficult (impossible) to keep track of which methods might throw exceptions.

Even though Java has the ability to declare exceptions, you can still write a new method with unhandled and undeclared exceptions, and Java will compile it and you can run it and hope for the best. What Java won't let you do is compile your new method if it uses a method that has been declared as throwing exception(s), unless you either handle the declared exception(s) in your method or declare your method as throwing the same exception(s) or if there are multiple exceptions, you can handle some and throw the rest.

When a programmer declares that the method throws a specific type of exception, it is just an automated way of warning other programmers using the method that an exception is possible. The programmer can then decide to handled the exception or pass on the warning by declaring the calling method as also throwing the same exception. Since the compiler has been warned the exception is possible in this new method, it can automatically check if future callers of the new method handle the exception or declare it and enforcing one or the other to happen.

The nice thing about this type of solution is that when the compiler reports Error: Unhandled exception type java.io.IOException it gives the file and line number of the method that was declared to throw the exception. You can then choose to simply pass the buck and declare your method also "throws IOException". This can be done all the way up to main method where it would then cause the program to stop and report the exception to the user. However, it is better to catch the exception and deal with it in a nice way such as explaining to the user what has happened and how to fix it. When a method does catch and handle the exception, it no longer has to declare the exception. The buck stops there so to speak.