Yes, it is different. Finally will always run (barring program crash). If the function exits inside of the try catch block, or another error is thrown in either the try or the catch, the finally will still execute. You won't get that functionality not using the finally statement.

Code with four radio buttons:

  • Return in TRY
  • Return in CATCH
  • Throw in CATCH
  • Finish CATCH

    private void checkFinally()
            Console.WriteLine(" Breaking news: a crash occured. ");
    private void doFinally()
        Console.WriteLine(" ");
        Console.Write("Here goes: " 
            + (radioReturnInTry.Checked ? "2. Return in try: " 
                    : (radioReturnInCatch.Checked? "3. Retrun in catch: "
                        : (radioThrowInCatch.Checked? "4. Throw in catch: "
                            : "1. Continue in catch: "))) );
            if (radioReturnInTry.Checked)
                Console.Write(" Returning in try. ");
            Console.Write(" Throwing up in try.  ");
            throw new Exception("check your checkbox.");
        catch (Exception ex)
            Console.Write(" ...caughtcha! ");
            if (radioReturnInCatch.Checked)
                Console.Write("Returning in catch. ");
            if (radioThrowInCatch.Checked)
                Console.Write(" Throwing up in catch. ");
                throw new Exception("after caught");
        finally { Console.Write(" Finally!!"); }
        Console.WriteLine(" Done!!!"); // before adding checkboxThrowInCatch, 
        // this would never happen (and was marked grey by ReSharper)


  • Here goes: 1. Continue in catch: Throwing up in try. ...caughtcha! Finally!! Done!!!
  • Here goes: 2. Return in try: Returning in try. Finally!!
  • Here goes: 3. Retrun in catch: Throwing up in try. ...caughtcha! Returning in catch. Finally!!
  • Here goes: 4. Throw in catch: Throwing up in try. ...caughtcha! Throwing up in catch. Finally!! Breaking news: a crash occured.

To summarize: Finally takes care of two things:

  1. Of code that returned in the try or in the catch.
  2. Or If you had an exception in the try, AND THROW an exception in the catch,
  3. or, if you had an exception in the try, AND DID NOT CATCH that exception,

Finally to summarize "FINALLY": Finally does nothing special if you tried,and

  2. and caught any exceptions during the trial, and then
  3. DID NOT RETURN in the catch either, and
  4. DID NOT THROW or have code that throws up.

And last but not least (finally): If you have an exception in your code that YOU DID NOT CATCH, your code will fly, WITHOUT REACHING THE FINALLY.

Hope this is clear. (Now it is to me...)


The difference is when the code in the try block throws an exception that isn't caught by the catch block.

Normally a catch block would catch a specific type of exception, and let anything else through. In that case, the finally block will still run.

The finally block will also run if the code in the try block returns.

Finally contains code that needs to be evaluated at all conditions [whether or not an exception occurred].

There is no way to exit a try block without executing its finally block. If the finally block exists, it always executes. (This statement is true for all intents and purposes. There is a way to exit a try block without executing the finally block. If the code executes a System.exit(0); from within a try block, the application terminates without the finally executing. On the other hand, if you unplug the machine during a try block, the finally will not execute either.)

The main use is for disposing objects. It will be useful when you want to close user defined resources like file , opened resources(db stmts).


Also finally won't be executed after a stackoverflow exception.