Clearing Page Cache in ASP.NET

I've found the answer I was looking for:


The above are fine if you know what pages you want to clear the cache for. In my instance (ASP.NET MVC) I referenced the same data from all over. Therefore, when I did a [save] I wanted to clear cache site wide. This is what worked for me:

This is done in the context of an OnActionExecuting filter. It could just as easily be done by overriding OnActionExecuting in a BaseController or something.

HttpContextBase httpContext = filterContext.HttpContext;


protected void Application_Start()
    HttpRuntime.Cache.Insert("Pages", DateTime.Now);

Minor Tweak: I have a helper which adds "flash messages" (Error messages, success messages - "This item has been successfully saved", etc). In order to avoid the flash message from showing up on every subsequent GET, I had to invalidate after writing the flash message.

Clearing Cache:

HttpRuntime.Cache.Insert("Pages", DateTime.Now);

Hope this helps.