Shell Script for Yesterday's Date
I'm trying to execute the following shellscript with hazel app on any file in the folder. It works, but the only thing thats causing a problem is the date for yesterday.
#! /bin/bash
dd=$(date --date='yesterday' +'%m-%d-%Y')
for file in *.csv ; do
saveName="${saveDir}/TJ ${dd}.csv"
cut -d',' -f2,14 "$file" > "$saveName"
Any ideas why it isn't working?
Try using date like this:
dd=$(date -v -1d '+%m-%d-%y')
as mentioned yesterday
is part of GNU Date, but using an offset of -1d should be equivalent for OS X use.
The date utility bundled with OS X is not GNU date (which accepts the --date
You can use homebrew to install it.
You can probably use Perl to get what you want:
perl -MPOSIX=strftime -le 'print strftime("%d-%m-%Y",localtime(time()-86400))'
# or
perl -MTime::Piece -MTime::Seconds -le 'print((Time::Piece->new - ONE_DAY)->dmy)'