Why does apache log requests to GET http://www.google.com with code 200?

Solution 1:

Maybe you want to read http://wiki.apache.org/httpd/ProxyAbuse

specially this point: "My server is properly configured not to proxy, so why is Apache returning a 200 (Success) status code?", it asks your question "Shouldn't that be a 404 response, not a 200!?"

If apache conf is ok, its just sending root page. It's the reason because you get a status code is 200.

Solution 2:

I think this would happen if someone tried to use the server as a proxy. That would make the http://... URL "normal" (as opposed to just the path portion that you would expect from a regular server request.)

As for the 200 status code, that... err.. well, my server does that too. It seems to ignore the http://hostname portion and returns the result from the local server using the remaining path. You'll probably have to dig through the RFCs to figure out why that makes sense; I don't know the answer offhand.