Chrome: Keyboard shortcut to go to Address Bar?

I just recently switched from Windows and *nix to OS X, and I miss being able to hit F6 to go straight to my Address Bar. What's the OS X equivalent?

To switch quickly to the Address Bar use:

  • Mac/OS X: +L
  • Win/Linux: Ctrl+L

Catch and remap your keystroke in the browser.

Using Google Chrome 75.0.3770.100 64 bit on a MacOS Mojave 10.14.4.

Chrome should tell you what your shortcut is under File -> Open Location...: enter image description here

Clearly the shortcut is command-L

But you want to change that keystroke to be Command-e, like old times.

  1. Open System Preferences -> keyboard
  2. Go to Shortcuts tab -> App Shortcuts
  3. Click the plus to add a new Application specific key remapping.
  4. Choose Google Chrome.
  5. Use the string: Open Location... case sensitive, include space and dots.
  6. Use the hotkey detector and type command-e.
  7. Click add and close to save. Restart Chrome. Press your new key.
  8. The File -> Open Location... command should be executed.


enter image description here

This remap appears to occur somewhere between how the Application negotiates the keymaps between itself and the operating system.