Javascript function fails to return element

You are using .each() with a function

    return this;
return false;

This will return from the callback (and maybe stop the each-loop if this was false), but never break out and return from the outer getCurrentCell function! So, that one will always return false.

Quick fix:

var result = false;
    if (<condition>) {
        result = <found element>;
        return false; // break each-loop
return result; // still false if nothing found

Currently there is a better way to get currently selected in Handsontable. Just use the following methods from Handsontable:

handsontable('getSelected') - Returns index of the currently selected cells as an array [topLeftRow, topLeftCol, bottomRightRow, bottomRightCol]

handsontable('getCell', row, col) - Return element for given row,col

All methods are described here: