Print current call stack from a method in Python code

In Python, how can I print the current call stack from within a method (for debugging purposes).

Here's an example of getting the stack via the traceback module, and printing it:

import traceback

def f():

def g():
    for line in traceback.format_stack():


# Prints:
# File "", line 10, in <module>
#     f()
# File "", line 4, in f
#     g()
# File "", line 7, in g
#     for line in traceback.format_stack():

If you really only want to print the stack to stderr, you can use:


Or to print to stdout (useful if want to keep redirected output together), use:


But getting it via traceback.format_stack() lets you do whatever you like with it.

import traceback

inspect.stack() returns the current stack rather than the exception traceback:

import inspect
print inspect.stack()

See for a log_stack utility function.

for those who need to print the call stack while using pdb, just do

(Pdb) where

If you use python debugger, not only interactive probing of variables but you can get the call stack with the "where" command or "w".

So at the top of your program

import pdb

Then in the code where you want to see what is happening


and you get dropped into a prompt