How can I rearrange the order of OSes in the boot menu?

I installed Ubuntu 10.10 with Windows 7 Ultimate in dual boot configuration. Everything seems to be working fine. I have a small doubt, is it possible to Re-arrange the Boot menu that appears when you start your machine? Currently Ubuntu is at top and Windows is the very last one. If we dont make a choice for some seconds, it automatically boots Ubuntu. Can I swap this with Windows being default if the user doesn't make any choice?

Solution 1:

I found this on the forums, it is a little old, but the process should be the same. I just tried it and it does work as it should.

First install startup-manager via Ubuntu Software Center, you can find the package by searching for startup. alt text

Then, open the startup manager and select Windows 7 as the default, close, restart and it should work. alt text

Solution 2:

Yes you can. Just edit /etc/default/grub file and change the value of GRUB_DEFAULT to the value you want. 0 is for first os in the GRUB menu (I hope windows 7 in 4th position in your GRUB, if then the value of GRUB_DEFAULT should be 3). and then run sudoupdate-grub command.

in detail:

open a terminal

sudo vi /etc/default/grub

change the value of GRUB_DEFAULT

save and exit vi editor (press esc and then type :wq) then run the command

sudo update-grub 

Solution 3:

Alternatively, you can

sudo mv /etc/grub.d/30_os-prober /etc/grub.d/09_os-prober && sudo update-grub

Solution 4:

StartUp-Manager install StartUp-Manager

StartUp-Manager can be used to select the default operating system for grub. Once installed, go to System > Administration > Startup-Manager
then choose Windows from the drop down menu.

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