Global Mu Online "The game client is loaded only through the official website"
When I start the game through the official website I get the follow error: "The game is loaded only through the official Website" even thought I'm starting from the official website.
When I click "game start" the launcher restart and I need to click it again to start the game, and I believe that it may be the cause of the error.
Am I missing something?
i found this: but i don't understand the type of language or way to run it
Solution 1:
I've found out a way to fix this, go to the mu folder, for example:
C:\Program Files (x86)\WEBZEN\Mu
and make sure in main.exe
, "Run this program in compatibility mode" is set as "Windows XP (Service Pack 3)"
, and "Run this program as an administrator"
is set as-well
then click on Windows + R and write:
then, on CMStarterCore.exe
do the same