How/when to create trunk, branches and tags directories in a new subversion repository?

Solution 1:

When we create SVN repo's at work we svnadmin create and then svn import a skeleton folder of the 3 directories and commit that at once pushing it to revision 1 (We have a bash script automate all of this). I don't think there's a better practice than to just have the initial commit?

Solution 2:

On a fresh checkout of a new repository, I create and add the three directories - tags, trunk, and branches. I commit those three; the repo is on rev. 1, and I switch to trunk and get to work. Not much to it, really.

Solution 3:

You can create all directories at once (resulting in one commit) without even checking out the repo. See this Windows example:

svn mkdir -m "Creating basic directory structure" file:///d:/temp/repo/trunk file:///d:/temp/repo/tags file:///d:/temp/repo/branches