What kind of accent is this?

Solution 1:

I am no expert, but it sounds to me like his first language is a European one. His pronunciation of some words is similar to people from the Balkans or other Eastern European nations. Spain is a wild card. There's a hint of Irish in there too, but it's not full-on. The clues for me are:

"Strategies", (0:40), Spanish, Bosnian, Croatian?

"Skimming", he pronounces it skee-ming."Beginning",too (0:51); bee-gee-ning.

"look" - pronounced thickly, similar to Irish maybe?

"tell us" (2:40), slight Irish inflection?

"about luck" (2:43), an Eastern European inflection?

"ok" (2:47), Spanish inflection?

Most of his oks sound like how a Spanish person would say them.

"daily situation" (2:57), very close to a Bosnian inflection.

If you ever find out, do let us know.

Apologies to the Spanish, Irish, Bosnians, Croatians and anyone from Eastern Europe if I've got it wrong.:-)

Solution 2:

There are word choices that make me think the speaker's native language is not English. There are words that are not pluralized that should be and other words seem to be dropped.

The "para" in paragraph has hints of Russian as the speakers native language. Listen to the long O sound in the way he says story.