How to restore PostgreSQL database from .tar file?

I have all PostgreSQL databases backed up during incremental backups using WHM, which creates a $dbName.tar file.

Data is stored in these .tar files, but I do not know how to restore it back into the individual databases via SSH. In particular the file location.

I have been using:

pg_restore -d client03 /backup/cpbackup/daily/client03/psql/client03.tar

which generates the error 'could not open input file: Permission denied'

Any assistance appreciated.

Found the correct string of code, in case someone else finds this thread.

pg_restore -c -U postgres -d client03 -v "/tmp/client03.tar" -W

The break down was from and a bit of trial and error.


-c to clean the database
-U to force a user
-d to select the database
-v verbose mode, don't know why
"$$" the location of the files to import in tmp to get around permission issues
-W to force asking for the password to the user (postgres)

Hope the above assists someone else.

When using PgAdmin III to do the restore for me, it worked flawlessly by using the following command which it constructed itself:

pg_restore --host localhost --port 5432 --username "my_user_name" --dbname "my_db_name" --role "my_user_name" --no-password  --verbose "/Users/me/Desktop/backup_file.tar"

Note to avoid warnings it's a good idea to have the role of the owner of objects in the backup file already existing in the target server. Also you should already have the target DB created and owned by that role.

I'm not certain it can import a .tar file. I would do a

tar -zxvf client03.tar 

to extract whatever was inside the file, and try pg_restore again. I know pg_restore works, as we have the same restore method from bare metal restores.

For version 9.5, run the following in command line

pg_restore -W -c -U [username] -d [database_name] -v "[path to extracted tar]"