How can I get my Wii online when a connection is through a sign in page?

Solution 1:

Yes. As SevenSidedDie points out in the comments, you can indeed set up a computer in your apartment to receive the internet connection from the Local Wireless, and then pass it on to your Wii. As he said, in Windows, this is called Internet Connection Sharing.

How you set it up exactly, step-by-step, depends on what version of Windows you are using, but essentially the process is like this. You connect to the internet wirelessly with a computer that has both a wireless card and an ethernet card. You edit the properties of the Wireless connection to enable Internet Connection Sharing. You designate the wireless as the source. This would then enable that computer to pass the internet connection on to any device connected to the ethernet port of that computer... provided the computer with the wireless connection to the internet is turned on. You would be turning the computer into a router in effect.