How/Where do I check my ubuntu laptops's CPU usage?

Solution 1:


is a lightweight text-mode process viewer packed with handy features such as killing processes without entering their PID, displaying full command lines, etc with a colour display

How to install

open your Terminal (Ctrl-Alt-T ) and Type

sudo apt-get install htop

To run: type htop This will show what you are asking. .

enter image description here

Solution 2:

In your dash i.e. pressing super key search for system monitor application.

enter image description here

If you are comfortable with command line there are tools like top and htop where cpu usage can be viewed as well.

Solution 3:

As said in previous answer you can use system monitor which is the best tool. If you want more information you can try some commands on terminal

top - its a command to see all the processes and their CPU usage. Just read the screen carefully and you would find lot of other useful information there. you can press Ctrl+c to close it.

Or you can also try cat /proc/cpuinfo - for other information about cpu