Civilization V versions

Multiple editions of Civlization 5 have been released.

Some as retail boxed versions, others as digital downloads.

The premium editions contain bonuses which range from:

  • metalic figurines
  • art work
  • music tracks
  • behind the scenes videos
  • extra civilizations
  • map packs
  • posters / misc. memorabilia

Many retail stores provided different or unique perks included in the list above, so it is difficult to give a full list. Also it is not possible to buy a supreme version with all the perks listed above.

Note that There is no hard copy manual released with any versions of Civlization 5, further more there are no hard copies of the technology tree.

See this link:

We’ve made the formerly 200+ page printed manual an improved interactive PDF. This PDF manual allows you to click on screenshots to see them clearer than thumbnails, navigate much easier with clickable links, and most importantly, look forward to manual updates as we make changes to the game. But don’t take my word for it; I have a sample of the manual for you to check out: Click here to see the sample. Included in the retail copies is a small quick-start manual to get you up and running as quickly as possible.

The last sentence references a small pamphlet included in retail copies, but not the full manual.

What you may have seen on youtube was the Collectors edition artwork book Collectors edition artwork book

This is not the manual, but a picture book containing artwork related to the game. As far as I know, this edition was only produced as a once only batch when the game was released and it is quite difficult to find copies for sale.

There's no features different between the versions, but some had extra scenarios/maps/civs to play. Some of these extras can be bought as DLC for other versions, if desired - the Babylonian civilisation and some of the bonus maps are available by this method.

I believe no version of the game comes with a hard-copy manual - it's all PDF - but any physical-copy version of the game does comes with a large poster that has the tech-tree flow chart as well as information on the civics and units (and other bits? I haven't got mine to hand to check).

I got this one:

It came with the poster, but the manual is just a PDF on the disk.