Do the "weak and ill suited for battle" weapons have any hidden stats or bonuses?

In Fire Emblem Awakening, I have recently come accross 2 weapons, whose description says:
Weak and ill suited for battle.

Namely, the Log and the Slack Bow and I believe there may be even more.

It wouldn't be the first time I've run accross weak weapons in the Fire Emblem games, but all "weak" weapons before those had some sort of benefit, such as extremely high accuracy or uses or could provoke status ailments (Poison).

I've been thinking about selling those weapons, but was unsure as to whether they may have some significance other than stats, or not.

This leads us to the question in my title:
Do the "weak and ill suited for battle" weapons have any hidden stats or bonuses?

These are simply novelty weapons. They are mostly for amusement and do not have any hidden stats.

Despite this, they do have the benefit of rank E weapon level requirement, making them great for raising weapon levels of recently class-changed units. For example, I currently have a streetpass team that I don't want to dismiss but am not yet strong enough to fight sitting on the only shop that sells bronze weapons, so I've been using ladles for my characters to get from axe rank E to D.

Novelty weapons include:

  • Ladle (axe)
  • Tree Branch (sword)
  • Log (lance)
  • Slack Bow (bow)
  • Kneader (staff)

There are no bonuses for these weapons, but the fact that they do less damage than bronze weapons can make them useful in specific scenarios:

  • You want to level a character's weapon rank, i.e. get more hits on an enemy before it dies. This is especially useful in the case of the Kneader (a weaker heal), as I don't think you get rank for healing a fully healed unit.
  • You want to give a specific unit the killing blow (the Donnel recruitment battle springs to mind): it can be useful to have a weaker weapon on a stronger unit in order to bring an enemy down to low enough health without killing them.
  • You want to see someone get whopped with a ladle or poked with a log.

In addition to what's already been posted, they can also be upgraded to about the same stats as their iron counterparts without costing quite as much. It's cheaper to upgrade a tree branch to 5 attack power than to buy an iron sword.