Issue installing Electrum on Ubuntu 18.04

Solution 1:

I suspect there are things to polish with the new .local directory structure in Ubuntu and how applications use it...

I would recommend you to repeat the command without the --user parameter from the user console (If --user is used the dependencies are not later correctly found):

python3 -m pip install Electrum-3.3.8.tar.gz

It will be quick as all packages are already downloaded.

Create a symbolic link:

sudo ln -s ~/.local/bin/electrum /usr/local/bin/electrum

Then you can run electrum with:


Solution 2:

Try typing just:


in your terminal.

I think its generally easier to use the AppImage as that has all dependencies included and is only one thing to do, and works across all LInux Os's. All you have to do is chmod +x on the AppImage and then double click it and it will work. If you prefer to install it into the Ubuntu system (have it show up in your menus), this is also easily done with the AppImage Launcher.

Docs on system integration

AppImage website