Can't install Ubuntu, stuck on "Updates and Other Software"

I'm stuck trying to install Ubuntu, I can use the live desktop but when I go to install it just never gets past the Updates and Other Software screen. The cursor spins and I've left it a good hour but nothing happens. I've successfully installed using the same USB drive on my laptop but my desktop won't have it.

I've tried minimal install, normal install, with 3rd party options and without. I've made sure secure boot isn't enabled too.

I've also tried Budgie with also gets stuck at the same place.


i5-3570 16gb RAM GTX 970

1tb HDD 5X 120GB SSDs (not RAIDed)

Is there anything I can try?

Solution 1:

It's to do with this bug here.

When the installer got stuck, I opened Disks and mounted/unmounted the Windows partition a few times until it got to the next screen. Had to manually set up partitions because Ubuntu didn't detect Windows but it's all installed now.

Solution 2:

I opened gparted and saw there was a NTFS partition which was corrupted, that's why the installer didn't proceed. I deleted that partition and the installer worked flawlessly.