How can I include the cursor in the screenshots created when PrtScr is pressed?

Solution 1:

You can do this with dconf-editor but with command line as well. Here are the gsettings effecting gnome-screenshot:

gnome-screenshot gsettings.png

Use this command to check current settings:

gsettings get org.gnome.gnome-screenshot include-pointer

Use this command to turn on the option:

gsettings set org.gnome.gnome-screenshot include-pointer true

Use the same technique for the other gnome-screenshot settings.

Note you can get a list of all settings with gsettings list-recursively. For the screenshot above I used the technique in this answer:

  • Bash one-liner to display ALL `gsettings` in GUI dialog window

And the one-liner code (works with yad only) is:

gsettings list-recursively | sed 's/  */\n/;s/  */\n/;s/\&/\&/g' | yad --list --title "gsettings" --item-seperator='\n' --width=1800 --height=800 --wrap-width=600 --column=Group --column=Key --column=Setting --no-markup

Solution 2:

man gnome-screenshot tells us that

  -p, --include-pointer
          Include the pointer with the screenshot.

So you'll need to set up a new keyboard shortcut that incorporates -p:

enter image description here

Note that gnome-screenshot has a variety of options described in man gnome-screenshot to

  • capture the active window
  • capture the whole screen
  • capture a selected area
  • take a delayed screenshot

You can make your own shortcuts for each of these activities.