xrdp session: Login failed for display 0

Solution 1:

It is likely that you did not set the username/password correctly.

The session manager tries to use your username/password to unlock the screen. When the username/password are incorrect you get the login failed for display 0 message.

Solution 2:

I had a lot of trouble with the exact same problem desribed here. I started just installing the gnome-desktop and the xrdp packages.

I realized that I also needed to install a vnc server. I followed everything as described in the following article :


I finally could connect to my Ubuntu 17.10 VM hosted on Azure from a Win7 desktop using RDP.

Hope that article helps you as it did for me.

Solution 3:

I agree with @Lukas that it it likely that your username/password is not correct. In my case, my companies domain got added in front of the user account (domain\user), while the lab machine was configured to login as user without domain.