How to access favorites in gnome-shell with keyboard?

In Unity, I can press Super+1, Super+2 and so on to access favorites.

What is the key-shortcut in gnome-shell and where can i customize it?

Edit: I mean favorites in Activities Menu (after bringing mouse to top-left of the screen or pressing Super)

There is en extension to do that. his name is Dash Hotkeys.

There is a way to access your favorites in the dash using the keyboard. First press 'super' to open the overview, then press 'alt'+'control'+'tab' to pop up the accessibility switcher and focus on the Dash. Then you can navigate your favorite apps using the 'up' and 'down' keys, and launch them by hitting 'enter'. It's not very convinient, in my opinion, but it's an option.

I think it is much easier to simply hit 'Super' and type out the application name. But that's just me

As far as I know, that isn't currently possible. You're welcome to open a wishlist bug for it though.

super+Q makes numbers appear in the dock over the apps zero to nine. Maybe that helps a little. I try to navigate to the number I want after 0 but I can't.