How to enable the Java keyword assert in Eclipse program-wise?

Solution 1:

To be specific:

  • Go to Run->run configuration
  • select java application in left nav pan.
  • right click and select New.
  • select Arguments tab
  • Add -ea in VM arguments.

enter image description here

Solution 2:

If anyone wants to enable assertions by default (in contrast to enabling them for just a single run configuration), it is possible with the following steps:

  1. Window (menu bar)
  2. Preferences
  3. Java
  4. Installed JREs
  5. Select your JRE/JDK
  6. Press Edit...
  7. Default VM arguments
  8. Add -ea

Solution 3:

  1. Form the menu bar, select Run -> Run Configurations....
  2. Select Arguments tab.
  3. Add -ea to VM arguments.
  4. Click Apply.
  5. Click Run.

Solution 4:

Java introduced the assert keyword, so the way to enable source-level support is to make sure that Eclipse's Java compliance level is 1.4 or higher. (The chances are that the compliance level is already higher than that ...)

To cause a Java application launched from Eclipsed to run with assertion checking enabled, add the "-ea" argument to the VM arguments in the launcher configuration's "Arguments" tab.

Solution 5:

You need to go to run configurations and add vm arguments as "-enableassertions" (or) "-ea"

After that when you run code with assert statement, you will see assert in action.